Blog, Trekking
Walking ski at the foot of Pelmo
… The call of the mountain…
In Mareson, a village just before Pecol, leaving behind the n°251 track, you head up to the village of Coi (1500m). Coi is worth a visit, before putting on our ski boots and skies and heading off in the snow. From the village, the view is spectacular. It looks onto the Pelmo and the Civetta, and offers colours and landscapes that only the most beautiful Dolomites can provide. The call of the mountain, the desire to be constantly surrounded by it, will encourage your steps towards the summit of the Pelmo.
We leave Coi, taking track n°473 (you can also take track n°015-025 indicated on the Tabacco map), and you immediately hit the largest part of the gradient change of about 400 m, taking you to Le Mandre, where you cross track n°472 , coming from Passo Staulanza. Here, the surrounding nature is wonderful, particularly if silver snowflakes have settled on the auburn Beeches.
You continue on and take a right towards the Venezia mountain hut, on a up and down hill summer track (highest altitude 1968 m). Once you reach the Passo Rutorto (1931 m), you can decide whether to go directly to the Venezia mountain hut, for a rest and to enjoy the view, returning on the same path taken to arrive there, or to take the even levelled track n°493 to Zoppè di Cadore. Zoppè is the birthplace of two important painters, Masi Simonetti e F. Tomea. Their love for the local mountains brought them to create of the most wonderful works of art. If you choose this second option, you must arrange transport to get you back to your Coi.
Starting point: Coi
Elevation gain: 470m
Time: about 4/5 ore
Arrival point: Coi or Zoppè di Cadore
The use of a mountain map is recommended
scale 1:25.000 – Sheet 025 – Publisher TABACCO
and to consult specific guides for ski touring or hiking.